Kaneshin Bonsai Tools #806 Stainless Concave cutter Narrow-head 180mm (7.08)

Kaneshin Bonsai Tools #806 Stainless Concave cutter Narrow-head 180mm (7.08)

Kaneshin Bonsai Tools #806 Stainless Concave cutter Narrow-head 180mm (7.08)

Kaneshin Bonsai Tools #806 Stainless Concave cutter Narrow-head 180mm (7.08)

Kaneshin Bonsai Tools #806 Stainless Concave cutter Narrow-head 180mm (7.08)

Kaneshin Bonsai Tools #806 Stainless Concave cutter Narrow-head 180mm (7.08)

Kaneshin Bonsai Tools #806 Stainless Concave cutter Narrow-head 180mm (7.08)

Kaneshin Bonsai Tools #806 Stainless Concave cutter Narrow-head 180mm (7.08)

Kaneshin Bonsai Tools #806 Stainless Concave cutter Narrow-head 180mm (7.08)

Kaneshin Bonsai Tools #806 Stainless Concave cutter Narrow-head 180mm (7.08)

Kaneshin Bonsai Tools #806 Stainless Concave cutter Narrow-head 180mm (7.08)

Kaneshin Bonsai Tools #806 Stainless Concave cutter Narrow-head 180mm (7.08). Length : 180mm (7.08). Blande of length : 18mm. Since the tip is thin, you can go deep into areas where the branches are dense and cut the branches. It is used by a wide range of users, from advanced users to beginners. About Importer’s Obligation. Thank you for your understanding.

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