Masakuni No. 117 God-making (large) Bonsai

Masakuni No. 117 God-making (large) Bonsai

Masakuni No. 117 God-making (large) Bonsai

Masakuni No. 117 God-making (large) Bonsai

Masakuni No. 117 God-making (large) Bonsai

Masakuni No. 117 God-making (large) Bonsai

117 God-making (large) Bonsai. This is a brand new, unused Masakuni No. 117 Kamizukuri (large) There is no packaging, but it is unused, so please consider purchasing it. A specialty shop offering a wide variety of carefully selected Japanese brand items. Even if you think to yourself, But the item I want is only available in Japan. , make sure to consult with us before giving up hope. We will look for and suggest the best products on your behalf. International Buyers – Please Note.

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