Japanese wooden fretwork flower stand KARAKI KADAI Bonsai stand h8.5 748

Japanese wooden fretwork flower stand KARAKI KADAI Bonsai stand h8.5 748

Japanese wooden fretwork flower stand KARAKI KADAI Bonsai stand h8.5 748

Japanese wooden fretwork flower stand KARAKI KADAI Bonsai stand h8.5 748

Japanese wooden fretwork flower stand KARAKI KADAI Bonsai stand h8.5 748

Japanese wooden fretwork flower stand KARAKI KADAI Bonsai stand h8.5 748

Japanese wooden fretwork flower stand KARAKI KADAI Bonsai stand h8.5 748

Japanese wooden fretwork flower stand KARAKI KADAI Bonsai stand h8.5 748

Japanese wooden fretwork flower stand KARAKI KADAI Bonsai stand h8.5 748

Japanese wooden fretwork flower stand KARAKI KADAI Bonsai stand h8.5. Appearance of the item. Some stains as photos. Please check on the photos for detailed condition of the product. Length 10.8cm/4.3in. Width 10.8cm/4.3in. Height 21.5cm/8.5in. If you have any question or concern, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for visiting. Please Note for International Buyers. Generally, those additional costs will be charged by the carrier when you receive the item.

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